POLICY- It is the desire of American Stairway ’ s Inc . ( ASI ) to assure the user ’ s complete satisfaction with the performance of the product . It is the intent of the company to immediately respond to any complaint , regardless of the nature , and to resolve it in a manner , which is fair to the customer and the company .
PERFORMANCE AND GUARANTEES - Providing a proper installation has been made , according to the manufacturer ’ s specifi cation and instructions , the American Stairway ’ s HUSKY Folding Stairway will perform in the manner and purpose for which it was designed . This warranty does not cover stairways which have become damaged due to alterations , operator negligence , misuse , accidents or installations not consistent with installation instructions provided with the stairway .
The HUSKY Folding Stairway has been designed to provide easy occasional access to the residential attic . Each model is marked with its specifi c load capacity use of the stairway within these parameters should cause no failure in either the wood or metal parts
of the stairway . It has been engineered to allow a normal person to operate and use the stairway with reasonable ease .
Defects in material and workmanship discovered up to one year from purchase date , will be handled expeditiously at no more than factory cost of the repair or replacement , or may be replaced at no cost , at the discretion of the company with no obligation of the company to furnish labor .
This warranty is made in lieu of all other warranties , express or implied , and ASI specifi cally disclaims any implied warranty . This warranty shall not extend to any incidental or consequential damage which may arise out of the use or inability to use the stairway .
American Stairway ’ s Inc . 3807 Lamar Ave Memphis , TN 38118